Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Boring School Life!

Yes I know it has been well over a month since I last wrote, but there just hasn't been anything exciting happening. I mean I passed my first semester of law school, so yay!!! Go me!!! But other than that school is back in progress, readings and assignments are piling up, and it just all goes downhill from there. Just kidding there is some awesome stuff to look forward to!!!

First thing to look forward to is the law ball, where I get to wear a pretty dress and guys get to wear some snazzy suits, and you just have fun! I will have to post some pictures once the event actually happens which is the 5th of September! It is going to be a great night of food and wine and dancing, and it should all be glamorous until midnight (because that's when our coaches turn back into pumpkins), or I should say that's when the after party starts. It will be a nice reprieve for all the law students to get there noses out of the books for a night!

The second thing to look forward to is the Junior Mooting Competition! Amber, Meena, and myself have decided to join the mooting competition. For those of you that don't know what mooting is, it is a simulated court procedure, so there is judges, and then there are lawyers, which is us, and then we have to argue our case and try to win! I hope that makes sense, because it made sense in my head but when I put it into words, it just sort of sounds jumbled! We have to make a case in regards to whether police officers owe a duty of care to individual members of the public. So anyways we are looking forward to that in September as well!

I have no pictures for you this time because I have mainly been cooped up inside my house or school. It seems to be a lot of back and forth of that recently and no outdoor adventures because it is so cold out! I swear I thought it was going to snow last week. You know those days at home in late October where it hasn't snowed yet, but you're outside in a cute little scarf, jackets, and boots, and you're like "oh there will be snow on the ground in the morning." Well that's what the weather feels like here (and yes I did wear a scarf, jacket, and boots)!

For those of you that are wondering, yes I do take me time, every evening from 6:30 till 7:30 I have a glass of wine and watch reruns of Friends. For those of you who only remember watching friends in elementary school (like me), rewatch it, cause you understand it so much better as an adult! But anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't forget about you in the Land Down Under, just nothing has been super exciting to write about!

Stay tuned for a super exciting September entry!!